As I was working on an iOS project, I added unit tests to ensure things are not behaving badly (and will not).

During the process, a common pattern showed up and a few fields were required, I came up with the idea to basically create a BaseTest for my tests, so that everything is unified.

Base idea

I came up with something like the following for my tests

class BaseTest<T, Action>: XCTestCase {
    var subject: T!
    var actions: [Action]!

    override func setUp(){
        subject = T()
        actions = []

class LoginTest: BaseTest<LoginMiddleware, LoginAction> {
    func test_loginIsWorking(){
        // ...

It worked very well within XCode, I could run the tests by hitting the 🔹 in the gutter.

Bad things happen

The thing that I discovered later (thanks to the CI feedback), is that XCode was not properly discovering my tests as it should. At first I blamed the fact that my new tests were not at the top level of my sources folder (and the other ones were), but it was easy to check that this was not the problem at all.

Then, I blamed fastlane and thought that I’ve missed something in my test target configuration or something, but in fact, the problem was similar when using classical CMD + U key combo.

XCode was simply not discovering my test.


Inheritance is often misused, in this case, I think it is relevant, but I applied classical way of working around this. I changed my BaseTest to a BaseHelper instead, to which the test delegates the calls.

With this, the test class properly inherits XCTestCase and is discovered as expected (even in subfolders).

class BaseHelper<T, Action>{
    var subject: T!
    var actions: [Action]!

    init() {
        subject = T()
        actions = []

class LoginTest: XCTestCase {
    var helper: BaseHelper<LoginMiddleware, LoginAction>!

    override func setUp(){
        helper = .init()
    func test_loginIsWorking(){
        // ...

The nice thing in this solution is that the setUp call is no longer magical !

It’s been a long time

It’s been a very long time since last post (5 years…).

I am convinced that blogging is useful, at least for my present self, and for my future self that tends to lose track of important things.

What will this be about ?

In the past I blogged a lot about Java / Maven and so on, my days have evolved to another languages, so I guess there will be less JVM things (but may be a few Kotlin) and more Swift / Rust on the other end.

Technical stack

In a blog reboot, we (I mean dev) like to follow the latest trend and migrate our blog system to latest hype stack. I will avoid this and focus on writing instead, so the site stays in its 15’ shape:

The sole new thing is that I’m trying to write using to get a distraction free environment.

Proxying with Docker

When using docker under a corporate proxy, it can be cumbersome to have a working networking in all containers. You often end up being blocked by specific network access which does not seem to be properly forwarded to the proper proxy. For example when using apt.

Classic way of doing

There is a documented way of using a proxy, by adding command-line switches to your docker deamon. However, it does not seem to work everytime and could require exporting additional settings to your in-container applications (in my experience though).

Why not using docker

Nicolas pointed me an image he created to help with the setup of a corporate proxy. It uses redsocks under the hood that listen to the docker socket and automatically add the glue to do the forwarding through the proxy.

Easy proxying in docker is just one command away ! (fill in the blank of your proxy ip and port)

docker run \
       --restart=always \
       --privileged=true \
       --net=host \
       -d ncarlier/redsocks \

Multi Hop

It is often required that, for security reason, you have to hop through a SSH gateway to access other machines. While this is perfectly fine and simple to do, it is often cumbersome to open a new session. However, with a small script you can speed up your access to machines even with such a restriction in place.

Classical way of hop’ing

Let’s say our gateway is named gateway and our target host myAppHost the classical way of doing it would be :

ssh gateway
you@gateway $ hostname
you@gateway $ ssh myAppHost
you@myAppHost $ hostname

Faster way of hop’ing

A quicker way of doing this is to specify the ssh command directly, there is one thing to tell ssh though: allocating a TTY even if it does not seem to be connected to one. In fact, the command supplied to ssh is not supposed to be interactive, that is why you need to give this hint to SSH :

ssh -t gateway ssh myAppHost
you@myAppHost $ hostname

Script this !

The script is really simple, and only consists in the following

ssh -t gateway ssh $1

Save this in your path and give it the run permission then you are all set (mine is named gssh). All you have to do to connect is now a simple gssh myAppHost

Maven testing

One of the bothering thing being a contractor is that you often happen to work on a project with a skip tests flag set on all developers computer.

One of the thing I tend to do when on such project is enabling tests and trying to fix as much as possible (often the fixes are easy to do).

Multi module testing

By design, surefire plugin make the build fail if there is a test failure. While this is ok in single module, when working with multi-module project it can be nice to run all tests on all modules regardless of the failures happening in some modules.

Maven is a great tool and allows such a behavior very easily, it allows two command line switches for that :

  • --fail-at-end : will fail the build at the end if there is test failures
  • --fail-never : will never fail the build, even if there is test failures

Flags behavior differences

There is one thing to understand when using the --fail-at-end flag, it will fail the build at end for a module with test failure but it will also prevents building of dependent modules.

With a small example it become obvious. Let’s say that we have a multi project containing the following :

  • core : containing model objects and services
  • web : containing web views for browser access
  • javafx : containing desktop application classes

It is straightforward to see that web and javafx modules will depends on the core module.


If using the --fail-at-end flag, a test failure in the core module will prevent building the web and javafx module completely : you will not be able to track tests failure before fixing the ones from core (at least on a single build command).


If using the --fail-never flag, a test failure in the core module will be reported but the build and tests of the web and javafx modules will be built and their respective tests errors will also be reported.

Tired of typing

If you find that typing --fail-at-end is too long, remember yourself it short alias : -fae.

The same is also available for the --fail-never flag with : -fn.